Digging Deeper – November 9, 2023

Otherwise you are boasting about your own pretentious plans, and all such boasting is evil.
James 4:16 (NLT)
Pride Before the Fall
Two geese were headed south on their annual autumn migration when they were begged by a boastful frog to take him along. The geese were willing to carry him if a means of transportation could be devised. The quick-witted frog produced a long stalk of grass and told the two geese to hold one end while he clung to the middle with his mouth. The three friends were soaring along, enjoying their journey, when some men noticed them from below. The men shouted their admiration for the device and called out, “Who was clever enough to figure that out?” When the boastful frog opened his mouth to say, “It was me!” he lost his hold, fell to the earth, and met his demise.
The entire Bible is filled with Scriptures that warn against pride and promote humility. Moses taught it, the Old Testament prophets proclaimed it, the psalmists sang it, Jesus exemplified it, and the apostles preached it. Let’s approach our future with humility and dependence on the One who holds our future.
Lord, give me wisdom and insight into the areas of my heart that do not please You. Help me to be humble and not proud. If I boast, let it be in You and Your goodness. Amen.
Steve Roach serves as Pastor of Spiritual Growth for NorthStar Church. He lives in Acworth, Ga., with his wife, Amy, and his four children.