Digging Deeper: Fall and Get Back Up


My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Psalm 73:26



I recently read John Mark Comer’s book Practicing the Way, and there’s a part that really stuck with me. He shares a conversation with some monks who were asked what they do all day in the monastery. Their reply? “Fall and get back up, fall and get back up, fall and get back up.”

What a beautiful picture of what it means to be apprentices of Jesus!

I love the mental image this creates—someone praying, serving, and seeking God daily, even though they don’t always get it right. It’s a reminder that even the most devoted people stumble. But here’s the thing: we tend to be so much harder on ourselves than God ever is. When we fail to measure up, we need to ask: who set the standard? Spoiler alert—it’s probably not God.

The Lord’s standard for us is simple: turn to Him daily and seek His will. He knows we’re going to mess up. He knows we’ll fall short. He knows we’ll fail—again and again—and yet, He loves us. He loved us before we messed up, and He loves us no matter how big or small the mess.

As Psalm 73:26 reminds us: “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” That’s not just a feel-good phrase or a motivational quote for a coffee mug. It’s a promise we can rely on. Yes, we’re going to fall, but our strength doesn’t come from us—it comes from God. He’s the one who gives us what we need to get back up, dust ourselves off, and keep going.

When failure happens (and it will), it’s not the time to throw in the towel. It’s the time to take a deep breath, learn from the mistake, and press forward. The scraped knees we get along the way? They’re not wasted. God uses even those to teach us, shape us, and remind us that He’s walking with us every step of the journey.

So, when you stumble, remember: fall and get back up, fall and get back up, fall and get back up. And keep moving forward with Him.


Minda Seagraves has been married to her best friend, Russell, for 17 years and is mom to Carson and Maddie. She is also a full-time missionary with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, serving as a chaplain to local female high school teams and supports 380 staff across four states in the U.S. and 20 countries in East Africa as the Regional Director of Talent Advancement with FCA. Minda and her family live in Acworth and have been attending NorthStar Church since 2020.


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