Digging Deeper – Example

Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him.
Luke 10:33 (NLT)
We may read the story of the Good Samaritan and think about the cost involved in loving our neighbor, but I would argue that it is far more costly not to care. The priest and the Levite lost far more by their neglect than the Samaritan did by his concern. They lost the opportunity to become better men. They lost their opportunity for influence because they failed to be a godly example.
My wife and I were driving with our 8-year-old son somewhere near Atlanta. We came to the end of our exit ramp and encountered a shabby-looking man holding a “please help” sign. My first reaction was to think this man had made poor choices in life and would spend whatever money he received on alcohol. My wife’s first reaction was to say, “Hey, Steve, give him some money.” My son is just taking it all in. I rolled my window down and somewhat reluctantly pulled a $20 bill from my wallet and gave it to the man. He responds with a “God bless you.”
A few years later, my son was riding in the car with me, and we encountered another man asking for help. He immediately said, “Dad, let’s give him some money.” I’ve thought about that scenario a good bit. I finally concluded that what the man does with the money is not my responsibility. What’s more important to me is the example of giving that my son has seen in his (somewhat reluctant) Dad. I pray that as he grows older and sees someone in need, he doesn’t think of a reason why he shouldn’t give. Instead, I hope he thinks, “How can I help?” That’s a lesson worth far more than $20.
Steve Roach serves as the Pastor of Spiritual Maturity at NorthStar Church. He and his wife, Amy, live in Acworth and have three girls, Olivia, Sydney, and Hayley and one son, Colton. He enjoys watching sports and spending time with his family.