Digging Deeper: Endurance


Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.

Hebrews 10:36 (NLT)



Running used to be my jam! Nothing beats being able to lace up a pair of shoes and just GO for miles on end without any limitations. I found out early in my running days that the gift of a long run is just that, a gift. It’s something you have to wait for and cannot rush, because a lack of patience results in injury. That’s why it is no longer my jam –  after a while the injuries add up and your body no longer can weather the strain. 


I remember the first time I realized that the name of the game was distance, not speed. It was perfectly acceptable to run slow if the end goal was to run long. It’s not like I was planning to compete in and sort of event; I simply wanted to enjoy being outside and improve my cardiovascular fitness. Once I conquered the initial battle of no longer dredging through the first couple miles as though I had on ankle weights while traversing through quicksand, it didn’t take long for me to feel that rush of wanting to push just a little further. That’s exactly what I did. I took my planned three-mile run and turned it into an eight-mile run. Only after I got home and the endorphins wore off did I realize that something was not right with my foot. A trip to the orthopedic doctor and an x-ray quickly revealed that my lack of patience had resulted in a stress fracture in my foot. Not only could I not go as far as I wanted, but I was sidelined until I healed to then slowly start over from square one.   


We do the same exact thing in our faith journey! Instead of having the patience to wait on God to lay out the next step, we decide he’s not moving fast enough.  Sound familiar? Waiting takes endurance! We want to rush ahead and get to the good while skipping over all the hard. Just like we talked about on Sunday, we must be willing to wait until God answers- and there is no way to know how long that waiting period will be. Each time God asks us to wait on Him the ask comes at a slightly increased measure of difficulty. The thing or outcome on the other side has slightly higher stakes than the time before and feels a little more out of our reach. We get lost in the minutia of getting there and lose sight of the one who spoke the promise into our hearts in the first place. If only we would be willing to slow down and look back at all the ways He has been faithful to keep the promises of the past, then we would have the endurance to wait on Him to get us there instead of rushing ahead of him and winding up weary and wounded. 


I learned early on that as a distance runner I had to endure in and through conditioning. I had to slowly increase milage to avoid injury to all the bones, ligaments, and muscles that fire, enabling me to propel myself forward. In the same way God conditions us, He conditions our faith muscle slowly and over time the initial limitations and fatigue that happened at the one-mile marker are a distant memory, as we effortlessly glide through the finish line of the marathon. 


Minda Seagraves has been married to her best friend, Russell, for 17 years and is mom to Carson and Maddie. She is also a full-time missionary with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, serving as a chaplain to local female high school teams and supports 380 staff across four states in the U.S. and 20 countries in East Africa as the Regional Director of Talent Advancement with FCA. Minda and her family live in Acworth and have been attending NorthStar Church since 2020.


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