Digging Deeper: Jesus – Name Above All Names, Lord of All


Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father

Philippians 2:9-11 (ESV)




Jesus was rewarded for His humble obedience. Notice that Jesus was exalted by His Father and not by Himself (v. 9a). The people He came to save, for the most part, despised Him, but His Father glorified Him. He was given a name above all others and did not take the name Himself (v. 9b). He willingly gave up His heavenly title and was rewarded with a name above all others. Kennedy notes, “He might have used the miraculous powers inherent in His Divine nature in such a way as to compel men, without further ado, to worship Him as God. Instead of that, He was willing to attain this high dignity by the path of humiliation, suffering, and death.”

Getting on one’s knees is the ultimate symbol of total submission. Jesus bowed His knees in obedient submission, but all will one day bow their knees in recognition of Him (v. 10). Paul is not speaking of simply bowing as a show of respect. Rather, he is referring to a universal acknowledgment of all that Jesus represents—His majesty and power as the Lord of lords and the King of kings. It has been said, “Be careful of falling in the trap of externally bending your knee, but internally failing to ‘bow your heart,’ for the former gains men’s attention, but only the latter pleases God” (preceptaustin.org).

While on Earth, Jesus held His tongue when others defamed Him, but every tongue will ultimately speak His name (v. 11). Paul wrote this letter while in prison. In the Roman culture of Paul’s day, one was required to declare, “Caesar is Lord.” Many Christians were killed for refusing to perform this act of idolatry. Paul knew that a day was coming when all would know of Jesus and declare His name as Lord. Keith Krell forcefully reminds us: “Not all will be saved, but all will confess that Jesus is Lord. Here is your choice: Trust Him today as your Savior from sin and spend eternity with God and with those who love Him, or confess Him when you stand before Him as the Lord of creation and spend eternity separated from Him.”

Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi serves as a stark contrast. He begins by reminding his readers to avoid selfishness and conceit, humbly walking in obedient servitude to achieve unity within the church. He then reminds them of the model of a life of humble obedience—obedience unto death—that Jesus led. Jesus gave up everything for us and was rewarded with everything in return.

As we celebrate the birth of the perfect Lamb of God, I am reminded of the old hymn “I Hear the Savior Say (Jesus All in All)”:

And when, before the throne, I stand in Him complete,
“Jesus died my soul to save,”
My lips shall still repeat –
Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.

Merry Christmas to all!


Diggin Deeper (er):

Isaiah 45:23; John 10:18; Rom 5:19


Phil Meade is a father of three, and grandfather of five. He has a Masters in Theological Studies from Liberty University, and lives in Acworth. He has led various small groups throughout his more than 20 years attending NorthStar Church. He recently retired after 33 years as a pilot for Delta Airlines.


Digging Deeper: Jesus – Humble, Obedient, Suffering Servant


And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross

Philippians 2:8 (ESV)




As mentioned yesterday, Jesus came down from Heaven not in the form of royalty but as a newborn. Jesus’ life is marked by humble obedience: He was born in a stable and laid in a manger (a feeding trough). He lived in a humble family and grew up as a carpenter’s son. He waited patiently for 30 years before beginning His ministry. He came not with trumpets blaring but to the water’s edge to be baptized. He did not associate with the high-born but with the lowly and the despised. He washed the feet of His followers, including the feet of the one who would soon betray Him. Finally, He never reviled those who persecuted and crucified Him; instead, He humbly endured to fulfill God’s ultimate plan.

Barclay’s Study Bible notes:

“The great characteristics of Jesus’ life were humility, obedience, and self-renunciation. He did not desire to dominate men but only to serve them; he did not desire his own way but only God’s way; he did not desire to exalt himself but only to renounce all his glory for the sake of men.”

Paul told the church in Rome:

“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight” (Rom. 12:16, ESV).

Humility is simply thinking less of oneself and more of others. Jesus often reminded His disciples that the last will be first, and the first will be last. The servant and the slave are highly exalted, while the proud are humbled and brought low.

I believe the greatest outward expression of humility is obedience. Jesus was obedient in all things to the will of the Father, even unto death. Charles Spurgeon expresses it beautifully:

“Obedience is the best humility, laying yourself at the feet of Jesus, and making your will active only when you know what it is God’s will for you to do. This is to be truly humble.”

Consider the contrast between the nature of the first Adam and the second Adam. The first Adam was prideful, self-serving, and ultimately disobedient. In contrast, the second Adam, Jesus, was humble, selfless, and completely obedient. Now compare their final outcomes: the first Adam was banished from a perfect garden, toiled in the dirt, and experienced pain and death. The second Adam willingly left a perfect Heaven, lived among the “dirty” of this world, and also experienced pain and death. Adam died and returned to the dust, while Jesus died, was raised again, and is highly exalted by His Father in Heaven.

Selfless, humble obedience is advanced Christianity. As fallen human beings, we will always be at war with our worldly desires. However, Paul reminds us:

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Gal. 5:24, ESV).

We must put to death our pride and passions. Jesus was obedient, even unto death on a cross. We can honor and praise Him most when we humbly obey and walk in His footsteps, serving others along the way.

Diggin Deeper (er):

Heb 5:8; Isaiah 53


Phil Meade is a father of three, and grandfather of five. He has a Masters in Theological Studies from Liberty University, and lives in Acworth. He has led various small groups throughout his more than 20 years attending NorthStar Church. He recently retired after 33 years as a pilot for Delta Airlines.


Digging Deeper: Jesus – Glory Incarnate


Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men

Philippians 2:5-7 (ESV)




As we approach this Christmas season, it is important to remember the “reason for the season.” God loved us so much that He gave us the ultimate gift. Jesus willingly left Heaven—a glorious place beyond our comprehension—to enter a dark world. He did not come as a triumphant king, as was expected, but as a baby, born in a manger. He became like us while still being fully divine. Steven Cole beautifully reminds us:

“There can be no greater example of lowering oneself than what Jesus did on our behalf. If your heart is cold toward the things of God, think on who Jesus is and on what He did in leaving the splendor and purity of heaven and coming to this wicked world to be made sin on your behalf. It should fill our hearts with love and devotion and make us realize that no personal sacrifice we make, no humiliation we go through, can ever match what our glorious Savior did for us!”

Paul notes that Jesus “did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped” (v. 6b). The King James translation reads that Jesus “thought it not robbery to be equal with God” (v. 6b). The Greek translation of the word “robbery” means to “grasp, cling to, clutch, or retain at all costs.” Jesus was (and is) God. He had every right to assert that privilege while here on Earth. However, He laid down that right (while still being fully God and fully man), choosing not to cling to the treasure of Heaven or clutch the prize of being in the form of God.

Paul reminds his readers how far Jesus went on their behalf. Jesus “emptied himself,” “taking the form of a servant” (v. 7a). When Jesus emptied Himself, He did not give up His possession of deity but rather His expression of deity. He did not relinquish His glory but veiled it for a time. He took on the form of humanity, notably coming to Earth in the form of a servant (v. 7b). Ponder that dichotomy: Jesus, the Son of God, coequal with God, came to Earth as a lowly servant. Remember, in those days, servants (bondservants or slaves in various translations) were the lowest of the low. They had no rights or privileges. Jesus loved us enough to “serve, and not be served” (cf. Mark 10:45).

Christmas is called the “season of giving,” but often that sentiment is overlooked. Let us take a moment during this busy time of year to ponder all that Jesus gave up for us. He never once asked, “What’s in it for me?” He did not take selfies or promote Himself on TikTok or Facebook (though He was the ultimate social influencer long before the age of social media).

As you reflect, consider following Jesus’ example: empty yourself of whatever status you see yourself possessing. Serve others out of love for them and love for God. Do this in remembrance of the precious gift He gave!


Diggin Deeper (er):

John 1:14; 2 Cor 4:6; Heb 1:3


Phil Meade is a father of three, and grandfather of five. He has a Masters in Theological Studies from Liberty University, and lives in Acworth. He has led various small groups throughout his more than 20 years attending NorthStar Church. He recently retired after 33 years as a pilot for Delta Airlines.


Digging Deeper: Who/ What Defines You?


3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Philippians 2:3-4 (NASB)




Henry Morris writes:

“A modern psychological ploy is to attribute many personal and social problems to individual lack of self-esteem. The Scriptures, however, urge each of us to have other-esteem, not self-esteem. Our real problem is self-centeredness and too much self-esteem. However, Paul urges us to be lowly-minded, not high-minded, seeking the good of others, not concerned with ourselves.”

I have led DivorceCare at NorthStar for many years. One of the topics for discussion is “self-worth.” Quite often, the attendees struggle with basing their self-worth and identity on the failure of their marriage. They see themselves as “divorced people.” I try to stress to them that their worth as God’s creation is not in self, but in Him.

If you are a Christian, your identity is in Jesus. As Paul told the church in Corinth:

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Cor. 5:17, ESV).

I have been guilty of basing my identity on my job title. That mistaken “self-esteem” became readily apparent when I retired in January. Now, I am just me. I know in my mind that my worth is based on how Jesus sees me, but as a fallen creation, I sometimes struggle with seeing that as “enough.” I ask you today: What (or whom) is your identity based on?

If our old identity has truly passed away, then humility and servitude should naturally follow. Humility was a foreign concept in the ancient Greek and Roman cultures; it was seen as a sign of weakness. Jesus came preaching humility and servitude, turning the culture completely upside down. The great theologian and pastor Jonathan Edwards writes:

“True humility is not putting ourselves down but rather lifting up others. If we concentrate on lifting up others, putting down ourselves will take care of itself. As we go through life exalting Christ and others, then genuine humility will be inevitable. If we exalt ourselves, then God will take care of our humiliation, for He promises to humble the proud. It is much less painful to do it the first way.”

Let that last sentence sink in.

Paul reminds us to humbly consider others more important than ourselves (v. 3b) and to look out for the interests of others (v. 4b). I have always found it interesting how Paul begins verse 4 by mentioning our own interests. That always seemed antithetical to humility. However, if you look closely, you will see the word “merely” (or “only” in some translations) at the beginning of the passage. Our own basic needs are important to us, and Paul is not discouraging us from satisfying those needs. What he is saying is that we must put away selfish ambition, conceit, and pride.

David Guzik summarizes:

“If I consider you above me and you consider me above you, then a marvelous thing happens: we have a community where everyone is looked up to, and no one is looked down on.”

Tomorrow—Jesus steps out of Heaven.


Diggin Deeper (er):

James 4:6; Luke 14:11; Mark 9:35


Phil Meade is a father of three, and grandfather of five. He has a Masters in Theological Studies from Liberty University, and lives in Acworth. He has led various small groups throughout his more than 20 years attending NorthStar Church. He recently retired after 33 years as a pilot for Delta Airlines.


Digging Deeper: Mine!


make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Philippians 2:2-4 (NASB)




Paul is writing this letter to the church at Philippi while imprisoned in Rome under the emperor Nero. The church at Philippi is dear to Paul and has been a major financial contributor to his mission. He writes to remind the church to continue living in harmony (v. 2) and warns them of stumbling blocks to maintaining that unity (vv. 3-4).

The first issue Paul addresses is selfishness. I have heard it said numerous times that a child does not need to be taught to be selfish. I am sure one of the first words my children learned (other than “Dada,” of course) was “mine.” I did not have to teach them that word—it just came naturally. When push comes to shove, we all tend to look out for our own interests. Paul distinctly reminds his readers to “do nothing” out of self-interest. That is about as black-and-white as it gets! Hard to read? Perhaps. Harder to practice? I will let you answer that one.

Next, Paul addresses empty conceit (from the Greek kenodoxia: kenos = empty, vain, hollow, groundless; doxa = glory, praise, or opinion). Webster’s defines conceit as “excessive appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue.” By adding the word “empty,” Paul emphasizes that a person’s conceit is groundless—not based on actual accomplishments—and a mere façade. James notes:

“For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beauty perishes. So also will the rich man fade away in the midst of his pursuits” (James 1:11, ESV).

James gives a stern reminder not to live a life of selfish ambition and empty conceit. In the end, it all withers, falls, perishes, and fades away!

John MacArthur observes:

“Whereas selfish ambition pursues personal goals, empty conceit seeks personal glory and acclaim. The former pertains to personal accomplishments; the latter to an overinflated self-image. Understandably, a person with such conceit considers himself always to be right and expects others to agree with him. The only unity he seeks or values is centered on himself.”

Tomorrow, we will discuss Paul’s solution to our “self” problem.


Diggin Deeper (er):

Rom 12:16; Gal 5:26; Gal 6:3


Phil Meade is a father of three, and grandfather of five. He has a Masters in Theological Studies from Liberty University, and lives in Acworth. He has led various small groups throughout his more than 20 years attending NorthStar Church. He recently retired after 33 years as a pilot for Delta Airlines.


Digging Deeper: Fully Satisfied in You

16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

John 3:16-17 (ESV)



I ended yesterday’s devotional with this phrase and wanted to expand on it: If Jesus fully satisfied God by dying on the cross, then God can never be dissatisfied in you.

These verses are some of the most well-known and often-quoted in Scripture, and for good reason. They tell us something absolutely life-changing about God’s character and His heart for humanity. But as familiar as these words may be, it’s sometimes hard to truly let them sink in. This passage reminds us that God loves us so much that He would send His Son. It tells us that Jesus was sent not to condemn the world. Yet, if we’re honest with ourselves, this can be the easiest truth to understand but the hardest truth to live in.

The first part of this passage tells us that God so loved the world. This is not just a passing, casual love. This is a deep, sacrificial love. God’s love is not merely a feeling; it is a love that moves Him to action. We often think of love as an emotion, something that we feel in our hearts. But God’s love is not an emotion—it’s a love that does something. God loved us so deeply that He sent His Son, Jesus, into the world, not merely to feel love for us, but to take on human flesh and enter into our pain, suffering, and brokenness.

This is the kind of love that doesn’t sit idly by. It doesn’t just say, “I love you,” and leave it at that. No, this love acts. It moves. It gives. And ultimately, it sacrifices. God’s love for us was so great that He gave up His Son, sending Jesus to live among us, to teach us, and to die for us.

When you think about your own life and the things you hold dearest—the people or things you love most—would you be willing to give them up for someone else? It’s one thing to love a friend or family member; it’s another thing to love someone so much that you would offer your most precious possession for their sake. This is the depth of God’s love for us. He sent His Son not just to live among us, but to be the very sacrifice we needed to be restored to Him.

Verse 17 brings a truth that is both comforting and challenging. The world is full of condemnation—self-condemnation, condemnation from others, and the constant pressure to measure up to expectations. We are surrounded by voices that accuse us, whether those voices come from within or from others. Yet, God’s purpose in sending Jesus was not to condemn us. Jesus didn’t come to point fingers at our failures, remind us of our shortcomings, or expose our sins. He came to save us. He came to restore us, to bring healing, to offer forgiveness, and to show us a love we could never earn but that was freely given.

In the midst of life’s demands, it’s easy to think that God is standing in judgment, looking at us with disappointment or frustration. We think, “I haven’t done enough; I’ve failed again; I’m not measuring up.” But remember: Jesus didn’t come to condemn the world. In fact, when Jesus interacted with people in the Gospels, He was often criticized for spending time with the very people society condemned—tax collectors, sinners, and outcasts. He didn’t join in the condemnation; He extended grace, forgiveness, and an invitation to life.

Jesus’ mission wasn’t to point out the ways we fall short. It was to show us the way to be reconciled to God and to be made whole again. He came to heal the broken, save the lost, and restore what was lost. When we trust in Him, we experience that restoration. Our sins are forgiven, our guilt is removed, and our identity is transformed—from guilty sinner to beloved child of God.

Maybe you’re a parent who’s already at the end of your rope this holiday season. You’ve had a tough few months, and the pressures of life, family, and work have left you exhausted. Maybe you’ve made mistakes, said things you regret, or failed to meet your own expectations. Maybe you’ve been beating yourself up, constantly feeling like you’re not good enough.

If that’s you, I want to encourage you with a reminder from this passage: God’s love is not dependent on your performance. Jesus didn’t come into the world to condemn you for your shortcomings. He came to save you, redeem you, and restore you. The truth of God’s love isn’t just about how He feels toward you in your best moments—it’s about what He did for you when you were at your worst.


Sellers Hickman serves as College Pastor at NorthStar Church and loves cheering on his Ole Miss Rebels. He and his wife, Hannah, live in Dallas, Ga. with their one year old, Emery. He also serves as the chaplain for the KSU Men’s Basketball team.


Digging Deeper: Who You Really Are

he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,

Colossians 1:22 (ESV)



Nothing quite prepares you for becoming a dad. I had prayed to be a father one day, dreamed of raising children, and made decisions to prepare myself for fatherhood… but the day I held my daughter, Emery, for the first time changed everything. It was 1 a.m. when Emery arrived, and I remember the overwhelming sense of joy, fear, and the realization that we were already starting in the negative when it came to sleep! On that early morning, I embraced a new identity: “dad.” All of a sudden, Father’s Day became a day I was celebrated. A new date on the calendar became significant because of Emery’s birth.

We all have many identities: son/daughter, brother/sister, dad/mom, friend, neighbor, employee, and so many more. Each of these roles shapes the way we live, how we interact with others, and how we see ourselves. Some of these identities come with responsibility, others with privilege, and all of them with a unique set of expectations. But while these roles are important, there is one identity and relationship that every one of us must consider—the one that matters most.

When we come to Jesus, we are reconciled to God. This is not through anything we can do but by God’s grace alone. The incredible truth of the gospel is that in this reconciliation, we don’t just receive forgiveness for our sins or a second chance at life. We receive a new identity. In the moment we place our trust in Jesus as the Lord of our lives, everything about who we are fundamentally shifts.

As we are reconciled with God, we don’t just receive the gift without our lives being changed. The instant we submit to Him as the Lord of our lives, we are given a new identity. We go from being hostile enemies of God to beloved heirs. Through His sacrifice, we are no longer defined by our sin, shame, and failures. Instead, we are presented as holy, blameless, and above reproach.

This new identity is not something we could achieve on our own. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” We are given this identity solely through the grace of God, who opens our eyes to Him so we can respond in faith to His calling.

Jesus’ death changes how God sees us. When He looks at you, He doesn’t see your mistakes and imperfections. He doesn’t even see a clean slate—because that wouldn’t be enough. He looks at you and sees the perfection of Jesus. Not because we deserve to be seen that way, but because Jesus died so that God would see Jesus’ righteousness in place of our wretchedness.

This new identity should both humble and empower us. It humbles us because we did nothing to earn it. It empowers us because we can walk in the freedom that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Are you living in this humble confidence during this season? Do you see yourself as a true son or daughter of the King of Kings? Do you believe that God looks at you and is pleased because of what Christ has done?

Friends, if God is fully pleased in Christ, then He can never be displeased in you.

Sellers Hickman serves as College Pastor at NorthStar Church and loves cheering on his Ole Miss Rebels. He and his wife, Hannah, live in Dallas, Ga. with their one year old, Emery. He also serves as the chaplain for the KSU Men’s Basketball team.


Digging Deeper: The Greatest Gift

And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,

Colossians 1:21-22 (ESV)



Have you ever been to a rivalry game? Alabama vs. Auburn, Ole Miss vs. Mississippi State, Duke vs. UNC, Falcons vs. Saints—they can get pretty intense. Walking into the opposing team’s stadium, wearing the “wrong” colors, and just hoping your team can pull off a win? The worst part is walking through that sea of people in opposing colors. Sometimes, you hear comments or snide remarks about the team you cheer for. You know you’re there for an intense game, but those fans are the hostile ones—the rude ones, the ones who lack honor. You would never act as foolishly or as loudly as they do… or so you tell yourself.

When you think about the opposing team, you can use pretty strong language to describe them. Alienated, hostile, evil… These are not words we like to apply to ourselves. We prefer to think of ourselves as neutral at worst or maybe just a little misguided. But Scripture pulls no punches. Our sin created a barrier far too great for us to overcome! We became spiritually dead and incapable of bridging that gap on our own. This wasn’t a minor misunderstanding—it was a complete separation between humanity and the God who created us to live in perfect relationship with Him.

But God had a greater plan! He would send a gift for you and for me. Here’s the craziest part: God didn’t just meet us halfway in our hostility toward Him. He went all the way to bridge the divide in our relationship.

Our sin built up a debt we could not pay. We were eternally separated until Jesus filled the gap. Through His death, we were given a chance at life. This is a free gift, one offered to all people. Reconciliation and a new identity are available to everyone. But the key word here is offer. While God has done everything to make reconciliation possible, each of us has a choice to make. The gift of salvation is free, but we must choose to receive it. Just as you would accept a present when it’s given to you, you must accept the gift of salvation through Jesus.

You may have heard this message before, but during the busy holiday season, it’s important to pause and reflect on what we are truly celebrating. Christmas is about more than family gatherings, decorations, and exchanging presents—it’s about the greatest gift ever given: the gift of reconciliation through Jesus Christ. But what will you do with this gift? Will you receive it with open hands, or will you reject it, as so many people do?

If you’ve already trusted in Jesus as your Savior, I encourage you to take time today to thank God for the gift of reconciliation. Thank Him for sending Jesus to bridge the gap that separated you from Him. Reflect on the incredible truth that, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, you stand before God as holy, blameless, and free from accusation. This is not because of anything you’ve done but because of everything Christ has done for you.

If you’ve never made the decision to trust in Jesus as your Savior, I urge you to consider the magnitude of what’s being offered to you. You can be reconciled to God. Your sins, though many, can be forgiven. The debt you owe, which you could never repay, has already been paid in full by Jesus. And you can receive this gift today.

If you’re unsure about what that means or if you want to take the next step in accepting this gift, I encourage you to reach out. Our team is here to help. We would love to walk alongside you as you explore what it means to follow Jesus and embrace the life He offers.


Sellers Hickman serves as College Pastor at NorthStar Church and loves cheering on his Ole Miss Rebels. He and his wife, Hannah, live in Dallas, Ga. with their one year old, Emery. He also serves as the chaplain for the KSU Men’s Basketball team.


Digging Deeper: Restoring All Things

and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

Colossians 1:20 (ESV)



I have to admit… I am a creature of habit. I enjoy doing the same things in the same ways, and it rarely gets old to me. There is something comforting about consistency. Whether it’s my daily routine, favorite spots to eat, or choice of vacation destinations, I tend to gravitate toward what I know and love. If you add my love for the beach into the mix, then there’s really no question where the Hickman vacations are spent. The beach is always the answer.

A few years ago, we were planning a trip for just the two of us before our daughter was born, but there was one problem… With COVID restrictions easing, the beaches were packed, and the prices were far higher than we could afford. So, we decided to check Expedia for the cheapest flights we could find and ended up spending a week in Denver.

I had never been that far west before, so I had no idea what to expect. I was blown away! It was beautiful in a way I had not anticipated—driving around town and seeing the mountains, going on hikes, and experiencing a completely different climate. I remember sitting at a Rockies game in the middle of summer. It was 95 degrees outside, but I wasn’t sweating because of the lack of humidity!

If I’m honest, nature can amaze me, but it’s not my default preference. I’d rather sleep than watch the sunrise. I’d rather lazily sit on the beach than trek through the mountains. I’d rather be indoors than outdoors. Yet, my biggest takeaway from that trip was the reminder to pause and reflect on the One who created all these things.

When I read this verse, all I can think of is the word hope. God offers reconciliation not only between us and Himself but also for all creation. Have you ever considered that the broken things of this world will one day be made right? The entire world has been marked by sin, but through the blood of Jesus and His eventual return, the wrongs of this world will be made right. The hurts will be healed. The curse that touches each of our lives will be reversed.

Imagine today that we could return to the Garden of Eden. This is what Jesus offers. The curse introduced in Genesis 3 is being undone one person, one situation, and one moment at a time. And here’s the best part—this restoration doesn’t have to wait until Jesus returns. It has already begun! As people continue turning to God, the world is being restored. Strained relationships can experience divine healing. The power of sin in our lives can be broken.

This is why our hope must extend beyond our immediate circumstances. Yes, through the cross, you have been saved. Jesus came to reconcile you to God and to restore your relationship with your Creator. But His work doesn’t stop with you. He came to restore all things, bringing peace not just between you and God, but between all creation and its Creator. The fullness of God’s plan is not just individual salvation but also cosmic restoration. It is a plan that encompasses everything and everyone. It is a hope that reaches beyond us, into the world around us, into the future, and into eternity.

As we move through this Christmas season, I encourage you to reflect on the fullness of God’s plan of salvation—not just for you, but for the whole world. Jesus came to reconcile all things to Himself and to restore the world to its intended purpose. As His followers, we are part of that mission.

Our hope is not just personal; it is global. We have hope for the restoration of everything—humanity, creation, and society. And we are called to live as people of hope, working toward the day when Jesus will return and make all things new.

This Christmas, let us embrace the big picture of salvation. Let us remember that Jesus came not only to redeem us but also to redeem the world. As we wait for the full realization of this hope, let us live in a way that reflects the restoration already at work. Our hope is not just for ourselves; it is for the whole world—a hope worth sharing with everyone we meet.


Sellers Hickman serves as College Pastor at NorthStar Church and loves cheering on his Ole Miss Rebels. He and his wife, Hannah, live in Dallas, Ga. with their one year old, Emery. He also serves as the chaplain for the KSU Men’s Basketball team.


Digging Deeper: The Fullness of God

For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell,

Colossians 1:19 (ESV)



We bought our first home almost five years ago, and we were incredibly unaware of everything it takes to keep a house going. I remember that after our first spring in the house, I was so frustrated by the number of weeds in our yard. Hannah and I spent a whole Saturday morning slowly walking every inch of our yard, picking weeds and throwing them away. I came back inside, called my dad, and asked him how he kept his yard spotless. I didn’t remember him ever spraying the yard or going out to pick weeds, so I thought he must have figured something out. He laughed when I asked and said, “Sel… I have a yard guy who sprays our yard.”

I had no idea what it took to be a homeowner compared to living in an apartment, where we could just call the maintenance guy. In our passage today, Paul talks about the fact that the fullness of God dwells (or resides) in Christ.

When Paul wrote this letter to the Colossians, he used the word fullness to convey a deep truth about Jesus. Jesus was not just a man with some divine qualities; He was fully God and fully man. The fullness of God means that, in the person of Jesus, nothing was lacking. He was the complete picture of God, not just a glimpse. All the characteristics and attributes you would associate with God the Father—His wisdom, power, holiness, and love—were also fully present in Jesus.

This is an essential truth of our Christian faith, especially at Christmas. As we remember the birth of Jesus, we also celebrate the revelation of God Himself. Jesus’ coming into the world was not just a historic event or a symbolic gesture. It was God’s plan to reveal Himself to humanity in the clearest and most direct way possible. Jesus didn’t merely carry a portion of God’s presence; He was God made flesh.

Mike reminded us of this truth at the beginning of our Christmas series when he talked about Jesus being the image of the invisible God in Colossians 1:15. In Jesus, we see what God is truly like. His character, compassion, mercy, and grace are fully revealed in the life and person of Jesus Christ.

When we reflect on the fullness of God during this Christmas season, we are reminded of our Creator. He did not simply create the world, set it into motion, and let everything play out on its own. God has always been active in the world He created. When He chose to enter the world—even though He had full power and authority—He chose to do it in a lowly manger. As you remember the manger, reflect on how God’s plan to save the world began to unfold in the most unexpected way.

Maybe you are entering this holiday season with doubts or questions about who God is. I encourage you to look at the manger and take comfort in the fact that God is with you.


Sellers Hickman serves as College Pastor at NorthStar Church and loves cheering on his Ole Miss Rebels. He and his wife, Hannah, live in Dallas, Ga. with their one year old, Emery. He also serves as the chaplain for the KSU Men’s Basketball team.