Digging Deeper: While I Am Waiting


so that you will not be [spiritually] sluggish, but [will instead be] imitators of those who through faith [lean on God with absolute trust and confidence in Him and in His power] and by patient endurance [even when suffering] are [now] inheriting the promises. 

Hebrews 6:12 (AMP)



As I was contemplating this devo, two words came into the focus of my mind’s eye: “faith fatigue.” I ran a quick Google search and sure enough, I’m not the first one to ever put these words together. In fact, my search yielded this definition from 3armedmonster.net: faith fatigue is characterized by discouragement, disconnection, and weariness in the midst of your Christian journey. You’re not burnt out on Christ. You’re exhausted from the never-ending journey of having faith in God’s plans for your life and the world around you.” For me, that definition simultaneously nails it and makes me feel like a wimp. We don’t want to admit that the faith waiting asks of us takes a toll. But if we’re willing to get real and be vulnerable with ourselves and each other about our true feelings related to waiting, we can experience growth in those seasons of in-between that easily exceeds that which happens in the regular day-to-day. 


We can be certain God is good all the time, but as Mike Linch often says, it has to “travel that 18 inches from our head to our heart.” Knowing God keeps his promises and believing that he will do the same again for us in the specific situation and circumstances we are in are two completely different things. So, how do we keep on keeping on in the faith journey when we are bone tired with fatigue? 


Today’s reminder from Paul to the Hebrews is a great place to start!  When we are feeling spiritually sluggish, we can look to those faithful giants in the past for reassurance that God can and WILL come through for us just like He did for them. Sometimes we need to lean on the faith of others who have gone before us, and ask trusted friends and family to believe for us because we lack the energy required to breathe one more syllable in prayer. Letting them stand in the gap not only strengthens you and your faith but theirs as well! As they get a front row seat to your circumstance, walking with you in the weary and worn out, they also get a front row seat to the miracle and seeing God do what he does best –  make the impossible possible! It doesn’t stop there, because before they know it they will be leaning on the faith journey they walked with you as they traverse their own season of waiting on God’s promises to unfold. And so it goes on and on, over and over, as we faithfully bear one another’s burdens (Gal 6:2).  


Paul also reminds us that patience leads to the promise. Bottom line friends, if He says he will do it you can take it to the bank! It will almost never happen how or when you wanted or planned, but you can be sure that it is in His exact perfect timing. We often forget how intricately creation works together. No one thing happens in a silo; it all reverberates off each other. If God operated like the genie we often wished he was, giving us exactly what we want when we want it like an Amazon Prime order, things would be a disaster! We grow in the waiting, and we often recognize that when it all pans out His timing is far better than ours. 


So how do we overcome faith fatigue? Simply put, we don’t go at it – whatever “it” is –  alone! 


Minda Seagraves has been married to her best friend, Russell, for 17 years and is mom to Carson and Maddie. She is also a full-time missionary with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, serving as a chaplain to local female high school teams and supports 380 staff across four states in the U.S. and 20 countries in East Africa as the Regional Director of Talent Advancement with FCA. Minda and her family live in Acworth and have been attending NorthStar Church since 2020.


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