16 “Mary!” Jesus said. She turned to him and cried out, “Rabboni!” (which is Hebrew for “Teacher”). 17 “Don’t cling to me,” Jesus said, “for I haven’t yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ ” 18 Mary Magdalene found the disciples and told them, “I have seen the Lord!” Then she gave them his message.
John 20:11-18 (NLT)
So, who is the ultimate changemaker in this story? Obviously, the One who initiated the change in Mary of Magdalene was Jesus. He found Mary and made seven demons leave her in an instant. It was Jesus that took Mary out of darkness and placed her in the light. Jesus did that for Mary and she gladly submitted to the Saviors will and chose to serve who she knew was her Lord. She became devoted to an all powerful God that took her from the heights of joy and astonishment, to the depths of despair and fear; but all without wavering in her resolve to follow Him, even into a borrowed tomb. Jesus chose to appear to Mary first, and He chose Mary for a very important role as His voice to tell the disciples that He was alive and that He would meet them soon. Yes, Mary was changed BY the changemaker, Jesus the Christ! Then Mary was all too glad to be used BY her Lord and her God for whatever He needed her to do, and He did not waste that service. Some may say that Jesus appearing to Mary first and telling her to go and “tell the others” was not that big of a deal; and you would be wrong! What if your boss came to you and shared their plans for a new direction that the company was going to be taking, and then told you to go and “tell the others” in the company that the new direction would be announced at a company retreat, in say…Galilee! That would be kind of a big deal, wouldn’t it? Mary was trusted by Jesus and that is kind of a big deal!
Jesus trusts you too!
He trusts us because He changed us, just like He did Mary. And now it is time for us to pass it on and introduce others to our Changemaker. Whether it is through being transparent about our faith in the marketplace, or through joining or leading a Life Group and inviting neighbors to join, or by finally beginning to tithe consistently, or by making an uncomfortable commitment to Whatever it Takes; Jesus is calling us to be all-in for His glory. He wants us to meet Him in Galilee.
He loves you so much forever!
Quite simply, Dave Griffith loves getting to know Jesus better by studying His Word daily and is passionate about teaching his siblings in Christ how to study His Word as well. He is passionately in love and like with his helpmate, Jackie; and is most fulfilled when he is hanging with his 10 kids (3 of his, 2 of Jackie’s, 3 are married, 2 more spiritually adopted) and 9 grandkids. He is a small group leader and a men’s group leader. He is a serial entrepreneur owning or having owned numerous businesses. He also enjoys naps!