Digging Deeper: The Bread that Satisfies Eternally


33 For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” 34 They said to him, “Sir, give us this bread always.” 35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. 36 But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe.

John 6:33-36 (ESV)




Jesus now explains to his audience what (or in this case, whom) is this “bread of God” (v. 33). He has earlier revealed himself as being sent by the Father, and descended from heaven (John 3:13). He is telling the people that the bread of life from God is not manna from heaven, but the one who is standing in front of them. How does the crowd react to such an earthshaking revelation? They ask for this bread, “always” (v. 34). Unfortunately, as is often the case in Scripture, the people are mistaken. They are still seeking fulfillment for their physical needs, and not their spiritual needs. It, “is about faith, but these people wanted food. Jesus talked about spiritual relationship, but the crowds were interested in physical showmanship. They focused on the lunch, not the love; on their bellies, not their beliefs” (Gangel).

My favorite Jesus-encounter in the Bible is the Samarian woman meeting Jesus at the well (John 4). She was searching for water to quench her physical thirst — Jesus was offering her “living water” that would quench her eternal thirst. In our current context, Jesus offers himself as the “bread of life” (v. 35). This bread is not like bread that dries out, crumbles, and molds. Bread was an essential staple of the diet during the time of Jesus. It could be life-sustaining, and Jesus is offering himself as the sustainer of eternal life. How does one receive this sustaining bread? By coming to Jesus, and believing. Without Jesus, the physical bread that the people were seeking might sustain them physically, but Jesus is the only way to be sustained eternally. As Barclay notes, “The restless soul is at rest; the hungry heart is satisfied.”

Taken from Our Daily Bread – “Riding along with my husband on some errands, I scrolled through emails on my phone and was surprised at an incoming advertisement for a local donut shop, a shop we had just passed on the right side of the street. Suddenly my stomach growled with hunger. I marveled at how technology allows vendors to woo us into their establishments. As I clicked off my email, I mused over God’s constant yearning to draw me closer. He always knows where I am and longs to influence my choices. I wondered, Does my heart growl in desire for Him the way my stomach did over the idea of a donut? . . . The donut shop’s advertisement targeted my body’s craving, but God’s continuous knowledge of my heart’s condition invites me to recognize my ongoing need for Him and to receive the sustenance only He can provide.” I added this anecdote for all you Krispy Kreme lovers!!

Diggin Deeper (er):

John 4:13-15 (woman at the well); 1 Cor 10:3-4

Phil Meade is a father of three, and grandfather of five. He has a Masters in Theological Studies from Liberty University, and lives in Acworth. He has led various small groups throughout his more than 20 years attending NorthStar Church. He recently retired after 33 years as a pilot for Delta Airlines.


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