Digging Deeper – Living Sent First

After this, the Lord appointed seventy-two others, and he sent them ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.
Luke 10:1-2 (NLT)
Several months ago, Shelby, our NextGen Director of Student Worship, approached me. She told me she had an opportunity to attend a graduate music program. As she described it to me, I heard what a fantastic opportunity it would be for her to grow musically and professionally. But as we talked more, she let me know she wanted to do it, not because of the personal growth, but for the ministry opportunity it provided. This was a chance to minister in an exclusive world that would not be open to just anyone. This was a chance to minister in a way that she was ideally and specifically suited. She was being invited into this world, and even though it meant more work for her, she wanted the chance to try to reach some of the people in the program.
It strikes me that we make many decisions based on whether we will make more money, move up in our jobs, or grow personally. While none of those motivations are wrong, most of us do not consider the opportunity to minister and share the gospel when considering a job change or a promotion. We just think about how it will make us better or give us a financial boost. We will acknowledge the blessing of it, but do we ever consider it an appointment like what Jesus did with the 72?
Each of us is divinely gifted and ordained to serve God. For most, the field of service is in the place where you are each day. Students, do you realize that God is appointing you to be his ministers in your school and that each class and club is a divine opportunity to reach out to students that maybe no one else can or will reach? Adults, the same goes for your workplace, college classes, neighborhood, and pickleball club. Everywhere you go, you can be a lifeline to the gospel for the people who may not have another.
I pray that we will be people who consider the opportunities we are given as blessings that lead to opportunities to share the grace of God with the people to whom God has provided us access. And that will be our first consideration as we look at new life opportunities. This is the core of living sent.
Chris Boggess is the Next Generation/Family Pastor at NorthStar Church. He grew up in St. Albans, West Virginia, and still cheers for the Mountaineers. He and his wife, Heather, have two grown children and one granddaughter.