Digging Deeper: Encouragement from the Quintessential Discouraged


1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia

1 Peter 1:1 (ESV)




“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion…” Thus begins a letter written by Peter (probably in the mid-60s AD) to believers (mostly Gentile, some Jewish) who had dispersed (Greek: Diaspora) due to persecution because of their faith. The five geographic locations mentioned in verse 1 were all provinces in what is modern-day Turkey. He is writing to encourage and reassure his audience as they struggle with continued persecution and suffering. I find it ironic that the apostle who most likely experienced the worst depths of discouragement could now lift up these people experiencing similar lows.

Let’s jump back in history thirty years or so from the time of this letter. Simon (Peter): fisherman, brother of Andrew, one of the first of the “twelve” to be called by Jesus, and the first of the disciples to boldly (no surprise there) declare Jesus as the “Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matt. 16:16, ESV). He was nicknamed Cephas (Aramaic for “rock”) by Jesus—the rock on whom Jesus would build His church. You may ask how this “rock” of faith could be discouraged, especially after spending three years following the Son of God.

Peter was never afraid to speak his mind, and he often got out “over his skis.” He walked on water (Matt. 14) until he looked down, took his eyes off Jesus, and down he went—discouraged. He declared Jesus the Son of God (Matt. 16:16). Yet a few verses later in the story, he brashly “rebukes” Jesus, to which Jesus replies, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me” (Matt. 16:23)—discouraged (and probably stunned)! Finally, despite declaring just hours earlier that he was ready to die with Jesus (Luke 22), Jesus’ words rang true in Peter’s ears as the rooster crowed following Peter’s denial of Jesus—discouraged (and crushed)!

Fast forward: the resurrected Jesus appears to His disciples on the beach while they are offshore fishing. John recognizes Jesus, and Peter jumps into the water to get to shore (always the first to act). After breakfast, Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him, using a different form of the word “love” each time. Peter adamantly and repeatedly answers yes (John 21). I believe this is Jesus’ way of telling Peter he is forgiven, three times. Each time Peter says yes, one of his denials gets erased. The discouraged becomes the encouraged!

I don’t know the road you have traveled to discouragement, but I do know (from experience) that Jesus knows. He knew Peter’s heart was heavy, and He encouraged him with pure love. Peter had to walk that road to be the “rock” of the future church, with Jesus’ encouragement. We all have walked that road. Let Jesus encourage you with His love! Use that discouragement to become an encourager for others.


Diggin Deeper (er):

1 Thess 5:11; Deut 31:8


Phil Meade is a father of three, and grandfather of five. He has a Masters in Theological Studies from Liberty University, and lives in Acworth. He has led various small groups throughout his more than 20 years attending NorthStar Church. He recently retired after 33 years as a pilot for Delta Airlines.


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