Digging Deeper – Devoted to Jesus


Standing near the cross were Jesus’ mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary (the wife of Clopas), and Mary Magdalene. 

John 19:25 (NLT)




What does it mean to be devoted? The American Heritage Dictionary defines devotion this way: Ardent affection and dedication, as to a person. Religious ardor or zeal, piety. The act of devoting or the state of being devoted.

Mary Magdalene personified this definition. After being set free from PERFECT darkness, she wanted only to live in the light that Jesus produced. She followed Him everywhere and provided for His ministry. She cooked and cleaned (I assume; it is not stated) and did what women did in the first century. She was devoted almost to a fault.

How, you might ask, did she show her devotion? Here we go!

Mary Magdalene was at the cross, watching her Lord and Savior being crucified to death (John 19:25; Mark 15:40-41; Matthew 27:55-56). There was no abandoning the one who had freed her from the darkness.

Mary followed Joseph of Arimathea to the grave he had provided for Jesus so that she knew where to go when the Sabbath was completed (Luke 23:55-56; Matthew 27:61). Though Mary had to wait for up to two days and three nights, she was already planning her anointing of Jesus’ body with spices as a sign of her devotion. She would not abandon her duty to Him, even in death.

Mary Magdalene came to the tomb the day after the Sabbath to anoint Jesus for proper burial according to Jewish law (John 20:1; Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:1-8). Mary had been preparing for this ritual since He was laid in the tomb and was following through devotedly for her King.

Personally, I am amazed at Mary’s devotion to Jesus. After all, her propitiation was dead and buried… or so she thought.

But God… is a rewarder of the devoted and of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

So, how did Jesus reward His devoted servant, Mary Magdalene? He rewarded Mary by allowing her to be the first one to see Him in His resurrected state! Mary Magdalene, former demon-possessed woman and probably a prostitute—the darkest of the dark when it came to hope and prospects—was the one whom Jesus shined His light upon. She was on stage for the most magnificent event in all of human history. Jesus gave Mary the greatest honor since the creator of her mother, Eve. That is what I call a reward. Jesus APPEARED to Mary first. Not to Peter. Not to John, the disciple whom Jesus loved (according to John!); not to James or to any of the other disciples. Jesus appeared to Mary and gave her an important task, a purpose: “GO AND TELL THE OTHERS…”

In tomorrow’s Digging Deeper, we will look at this additional blessing bestowed upon His devoted servant.

He loves you so much forever!



Quite simply, Dave Griffith loves getting to know Jesus better by studying His Word daily and is passionate about teaching his siblings in Christ how to study His Word as well. He is passionately in love and like with his helpmate, Jackie; and is most fulfilled when he is hanging with his 10 kids (3 of his, 2 of Jackie’s, 3 are married, 2 more spiritually adopted) and 9 grandkids. He is a small group leader and a men’s group leader. He is a serial entrepreneur owning or having owned numerous businesses. He also enjoys naps!

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