Digging Deeper – December 12, 2023

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6 (ESV)
A missionary hired a guide to take him across a vast desert. When they arrived at the edge of the desert, the missionary saw trackless sands without a single footprint or road of any kind before him. He asked his guide with a tone of surprise, “Where is the road?” With a reproving glance, the guide replied, “I am the road.” Jesus is the way to heaven. We must trust Him to take us there.
The word “way” is emphasized by being repeated in John 14:4, 5, and 6; it refers to the way to heaven and the Father. Significantly, Jesus doesn’t say, “I know the way to heaven and can point you to it.” Rather, He says, “I am the way.” Jesus makes plain that He, and He alone, is the path to God. One must travel the road named Jesus to find their way to God. Jesus is the access to the Father, the highway to heaven.
What were you taught growing up was the way to heaven? When did you first realize that Jesus is the only way to heaven?
Thank God for showing you the way to heaven through Jesus. Pray for your friends and family members who have yet to accept Jesus as the way to heaven to be saved.
Dr. Larry Grays is the father of four and lives in the Canton area. Larry consults with churches, schools, city governments, and businesses nationwide. He’s been a member of the NorthStar family for over 20 years.