Digging Deeper – Coyotes in the Neighborhood

“Now go; I’m sending you out like lambs among wolves.”

Luke 10:3



I saw a coyote in my neighborhood. I pulled out of my driveway early one morning, and as I slowly moved down the street, he came out of the trees like a ghost. He was a big boy. Not a wolf, but I wouldn’t want to meet that creature in the dark. He was slightly bigger than a German Shepherd (some of that might be the bulk of his winter coat). His long snout and loping stride gave away his wildness. He was not a dog or someone’s pet. He glided across the road through the beams of my headlights and disappeared into a tree-filled space by a creek that ran through our neighborhood.

Seeing him has caused me to think a little differently. I know he isn’t interested in me as prey, but seeing that lupine form in all his fluid grace made me a little warier when I take the trash out at night to the lightless lower side of our house, the side closest to the woods.

Wolves are made to hunt. And in their own territory, they are extremely dangerous. A full-grown ram would have his horns full with wolves around, but a lamb would be easy prey. So, when Jesus tells those he sends that they will be like lambs among wolves, that is a dire warning.

How does a lamb protect itself against wolves? First, keep the flock nearby. Having other believers around you to lift you up is essential. And it is even better when you give them the license to correct you when you stray. Accountability gives you protection from the wolves in your life.

Second, Keep the shepherd in sight. We must take time each day to “lock eyes with Jesus.” In my personal life, I can tell the difference between when I take the time to get myself into the right relationship with the Good Shepherd and when I don’t. It makes the difference. If you don’t take time to run to him, then you might just spend your day running from wolves.

What are the wolves in your life? The things that are too big to handle on your own? Lift them up to Jesus and share them with other believers you trust.

Chris Boggess is the Next Generation/Family Pastor at NorthStar Church. He grew up in St. Albans, West Virginia, and still cheers for the Mountaineers. He and his wife, Heather, have two grown children and one granddaughter.

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