Digging Deeper: Passing Your Faith to the Next Generation


We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord , and his might, and the wonders that he has done.

Psalm 78:4 (ESV)



How can you make an impact in your community just by being you? How do you find moments to share your story with others?

The simple answer: slow down and pay attention. Listen when God nudges you to speak.

My mom was amazing at this. She told me this story several times, and it never got old. One day, when she was checking out at the grocery store, she felt God press on her heart that she needed to ask the boy bagging her groceries if he knew Jesus. She would say, “As crazy as it sounds, I did it.” She didn’t understand the urgency, but she was not going to be the one that didn’t listen when God spoke to her.

As she was checking out, she simply walked over to the boy and asked him if he knew Jesus. She started the conversation and eventually led him in a prayer. There are dozens of other stories similar to this one about my mom’s faith and persistence when she felt led to do something.

If we know our end goal is for everyone to know Jesus, we have to start in our community. We have to share our stories, our testimonies. We have to show others how different we are because of whose we are.

Today, I pray that you are vividly aware of your surroundings and that God would use a piece of your story to start a conversation. I pray that you would be bold to share what God has done through you.


Kelly Skelton is a Georgia native, raised in the south on Jesus, Georgia football and sweet tea.  She is her husbands’ biggest fan and her two daughters’ loudest cheerleaders.  She recently published her first children’s book titled, But God Had a Plan.  She stays active in the Dallas area as a  photographer, videographer, writer, and middle school teacher.


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