Digging Deeper: Sacrifice of Praise

Now may the God of all hope fill you with joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13 (CSB)



Yesterday, we talked about the God of all hope. And today, the question begs to be asked, “How does he fill us with joy and peace?” After all, that’s what we all long for in the chaos and pain of this life. But in a world of “you do you” and “do what makes you happy,” what would it look like to be filled with joy and peace? 


Psalms 43:4 says, “Then I will come to the altar of God, to God my greatest joy. I will praise you with the lyre, God, my God.”


The altar, by definition, is a place of sacrifice or surrendering, and this is the place where David finds his greatest joy. Why? Because it’s there he finds God.


Notice he doesn’t rattle off a list of things that would surely make his life easier, more significant, or more comfortable. He is saying that when he comes to God sacrificially, surrendering and praising—it’s there he finds His greatest joy.


Hebrews 13:15 tells us, “Therefore, through him let us continually offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips that confess his name.”


The thing is, regardless of what this life brings our way—Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever! He is holy. He is faithful. And this life we live has always been to bring Him glory. The God of all hope will fill us with joy and peace when we sacrifice our wants, our will, and our way and surrender to His plans, purpose, and calling on our lives. 


When the focus of our lives becomes Him – His glory, and not our comfort – there we will overflow with peace and joy. Yes, there will be pain, but there will also be great blessings because we’re living like He’s risen. Will you dare to offer a sacrifice of praise today? 


PRAY: Jesus, you know we are living in a broken world. It’s so easy for us to fix our eyes on the things and circumstances of this world. And yet, when we dare to fix our eyes on you—the author and perfecter of our faith—we find peace and joy in it all. Lift our eyes today and pour into our hearts a song of praise. You are worthy of it all! We love you, Jesus. Amen.


*If you’re looking for a song to get you started, Worthy of My Song by Maverick City and Phil Wickham is a great one.


Sarah Jefferson is married to Curtis and the mother to Grey, Sanders and Collins.  She is a rare Atlanta native, currently living in Acworth. Sarah began her career in public relations in the sports industry. Now, she writes web content for a variety of companies and ministries. When she’s not writing or blogging, you can find her running or hiking the beautiful trails of north Georgia and spending time with her busy family.

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