Digging Deeper – Will Anyone Ask?

And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 16 But do this in a gentle and respectful way.

1 Peter 3:15b-16a (NLT)




If you’ve been to a major sporting event or concert, you’ve encountered them. They are often holding large posters, wearing sandwich board signs, and almost always projecting their message through the famed bullhorn. They’re the so-called “hellfire and brimstone” evangelists.

Admittedly, I get upset each time I encounter them. Wrong message, wrong tactics. Am I disputing that sinners should repent and give their lives to the Lord? No! But instead of yelling that people are going to hell and centering their narrative around fear, perhaps they could examine the Scriptures and see how Jesus spoke to crowds.

These folks focus on shame. Jesus focused on forgiveness.
They speak with contempt. Jesus spoke with love.
They cast judgment. Jesus offered redemption.
They make assertions and blanket statements. Jesus asked questions.
They push people away. Jesus invited people in.

Whether or not you carry a bullhorn, you still share a message with everyone you encounter about who Jesus is to you—through your work ethic, how you speak to others, how you serve others, whether you are kind and considerate, how you drive in traffic, and even how far you’re willing to go to win a game. Whether you realize it or not, you are constantly communicating something to the people in your sphere of influence! What do you want to tell them about who Jesus is through your words and behavior?

Peter tells us we need to live our lives in such a way that people notice a difference (for the good) and may ask us about the joy and hope they see in our lives. When this door opens, we need to be ready (and eager) to share who Christ is and what He has done!

Are you living in such a way that someone would ask you that question? If not, you’ve got some self-examination and reflection ahead of you. If so, spend time thinking and praying about how you’ll respond when that day comes. People who aren’t believers don’t think and act like believers, so heed Peter’s words: be gentle and respectful. The only time they might see Jesus is through you!


C.A. Phillips serves as Communications Pastor and Director of Men’s Groups at NorthStar Church. He is a graduate of the Henry W. Grady School of Journalism at the University of Georgia, and he loves the Dawgs and the Atlanta Braves. He has two (grown) boys and lives in Kennesaw with his wife, Amy, and their German Shepherd, Abby.

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Posted by C.A. Phillips

C.A. Phillips serves as Communications Pastor and Director of Men's Small Groups at NorthStar Church. He lives in Kennesaw, Ga., with his wife, Amy and German Shepherd, Abby.

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