Digging Deeper: Tracing the Steps


I will remember the deeds of the Lord ; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.

Psalm 77:11 (NIV)



Have you ever walked through something that felt so insanely dark, desolate, and lonely? Did you cry out to God and feel like your prayers went unheard and unanswered?

There are moments in my life when memories come fleeting back to me—moments when I thought God was silent, but in reality, He was working things out for my good. Sometimes, in the moment, we don’t see what God is doing, but when we trace the steps that got us from there to here, we can see His handprint in it all. Each memory becomes a reminder of His faithfulness, His grace, and His love.

Oftentimes, looking back, I can see how God didn’t answer my specific prayers the way I thought He should because He had something immensely greater for me.

It’s easy to have faith and confidence in God when you can trace back over the moments in your life where He showed up and showed out for you.

I pray that as you tackle this day, you retrace the grace God has given you—that you find an exact moment when, without a shadow of a doubt, God boldly did something for you. I pray that moment is so vivid that you share that part of your story with someone else today.


Kelly Skelton is a Georgia native, raised in the south on Jesus, Georgia football and sweet tea.  She is her husbands’ biggest fan and her two daughters’ loudest cheerleaders.  She recently published her first children’s book titled, But God Had a Plan.  She stays active in the Dallas area as a  photographer, videographer, writer, and middle school teacher.


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