Have you ever asked God, “Why?” We’ve all asked that question at one time or another.
“Why, God?”
Why did my spouse die? Why is my child being bullied at school? Why did my marriage fail? Why did my parents pass away? Why did I lose my job? Why did I receive this cancer diagnosis? Why did my best friend suddenly die? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is there so much suffering? Why does injustice always seem to win?
Why? Why? Why?
Even the prophet Habakkuk, a great man of faith, wrestled with similar questions. He looked at the brokenness of the world and couldn’t understand why God seemed silent.
The truth is, we tend to cry out to God the loudest when things go wrong. When life is smooth, we often forget to seek Him. However, in seasons of pain, disillusionment, disappointment, confusion, or injustice, we come to Him desperate for answers. Sometimes, just like Habakkuk, we don’t get the answers we’re looking for—at least not right away.
Habakkuk asked God three “Why” questions:
- Why don’t You listen to me when I call for help?
- Why don’t You save when there is a problem?
- Why do You tolerate wrongdoing?
Have you ever been there? I certainly have. Have you ever asked similar questions of God?
If we continue reading, we see that God does answer Habakkuk. His response is not immediate relief but a call to trust:
“Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” —Habakkuk 1:5
God was at work, even when Habakkuk couldn’t see it. His plan was bigger than what the prophet could comprehend. And the same is true for you and me today.
Listen closely: When you don’t understand, you can still trust that God sees, He knows, and He is working for His ultimate purpose. The challenge is to trust God even when you don’t have all the answers. It’s okay to bring your “Why” questions to God, but also to say, “Lord, even though I don’t understand right now, I will trust You.”
When was the last time you asked God, “Why?” How did you feel in that moment? How can you learn to trust Him even when you don’t understand?
Take a moment to thank God—not just in your struggles, but in your blessings as well.
When you don’t understand, when you don’t see His plan, when you can’t trace His hand—trust His heart!