Moving from Useless to Useful


“Formerly Onesimus was useless to you, but now he is indeed useful to you and to me. I am sending him back to you, sending my very heart.”

Philemon 1:11-12




Two seminary students in New Orleans stopped at a local grocery store one evening while traveling. One of the seminary students was Don Wilton. While in the store, they noticed a young, needy couple with a baby dressed only in a diaper. The Spirit of God moved in the hearts of the two seminary students in a special way to open their wallets and give the young family all the money they had. The total was more than $200. With a gentle voice, Don spoke to the frightened man and said, “My friend, you don’t know who I am. However, I want you to know that my friend and I want to show you in a practical way how much God loves you. Because of what Jesus has done in our lives, we want to give you this small gift from the two of us.”

The man tearfully received the money. Don Wilton thought he would never see the man again. However, nearly a decade later, Dr. Wilton was teaching at the seminary. One of the new students recognized Dr. Wilton’s distinctive South African voice. It was the man from the grocery store! He told Dr. Wilton that their young family was desperate that night. So desperate, in fact, that they had driven from their home in Alabama to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge in New Orleans. They planned to take their baby with them but decided to feed her first, so she would at least die with a full stomach. That’s why they stopped at the store. However, they were deeply moved and encouraged by the kind words and financial gift. That one act of kindness set the man and his wife on a path to salvation in Jesus Christ and a call to full-time vocational ministry. That night, the man’s life was transformed from being “Useless to Useful.”

God’s providential hand saves lives. Onesimus was spiritually lost! He was the fugitive slave of his master, Philemon. Onesimus had robbed Philemon and fled to Rome, a large city where he could easily hide—or so he thought! However, providentially, Onesimus encountered Paul in a Roman prison where the apostle was in chains. Paul led Onesimus to faith in Jesus Christ, and his life was forever impacted and transformed from being “Useless to Useful.”

Listen closely: How about you? Have you ever felt useless? Have you ever had a sense that you have no real purpose or usefulness in life? If you have, you’re not alone. The story of Onesimus is a classic picture of one who tries running from a good and gracious God but instead runs right into His loving arms—just like the man in the grocery store. Through salvation, the fugitive sinner found grace, forgiveness, and freedom that are only found in a ‘right relationship’ with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Be encouraged. Wherever you are in life right now, God’s eye is on you! He knows your name. He knows your need, and He will use ‘whatever’ and ‘whoever’ to intersect your life right where you are. A genuine encounter with the living God will forever change your perspective, your relationships, and your future.

It will transform you from “Useless to Useful.”


God has a plan. His plan is far greater than yours. He is writing your story. Don’t steal His pen!

Love God.  Love People.  Live Sent.

Be Worth Being,



Kevin Burrell has worked in professional baseball as both a player and MLB scout for the past 43 years, and currently serves as an area scouting supervisor. Kevin was drafted in the 1st round of the 1981 free agent amateur draft (25th selection overall), and played ten years of professional baseball with four different organizations. He and his wife, Valerie, live in Sharpsburg, Ga.

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