Merry Christmas – You’re Outta Here!

…obey those over you, and give honor and respect to all those to whom it is due.
Romans 13:7b (TLB)
It was a crisp late October evening. The 12u season-ending fall rec tournament was underway. I had the honor of working behind the plate in our two-man umpire team. The first two batters were retired in uneventful fashion in the top of the first, bringing up the three-hole hitter. He was the team’s best player: No. 13. With the count even at 2-2, the pitcher painted the outside corner with a thigh-high fastball, and the hitter just watched it go by, leaving his Demarini bat on his shoulder.
“Strike three!” I exclaimed, ending the top of the first.
The batter two two steps out of the box, then stopped suddenly and turned back to me.
“You’ve GOT to be kidding me!!” he objected, before resuming his walk back to the dugout.
I stood there stunned for a moment, then said to myself, “Nope. He’s not getting away with that.”
I followed the batter for a few steps, and as I approached the dugout, I announced in front of the families in the visiting stands, “Number 13 is out of this ball game! Number 1-3 is out of the game and will not return!”
Gasps were audible from the parents and siblings, and several immediately questioned: “Why?!?!” I said, “Because he was disrespectful – that’s why!”
About an inning later, the opposing coach came over to me between innings. He said, “You know, I’m okay with it if you want to allow him back in the game.”
I said, “Well, you might be OK with it, but I’m not! If I let him back into the game, he won’t learn a thing! I’m thinking about this young man’s future. If he comes back in the game, then nothing will change.”
I don’t know of another umpire in my organization who has ejected an 11 year old kid. Perhaps I am the only one who has – but I stand behind my decision! It seems with each passing day society’s collective respect for authority diminishes. People (even kids) project an air of superiority and entitlement, as opposed to what scripture teaches regarding honoring others and showing them respect – even when we feel it’s not deserved.
The Apostle Paul continues in Chapter 13 by writing, All ten [Commandments] are wrapped up in this one, to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Love does no wrong to anyone. That’s why it fully satisfies all of God’s requirements. It is the only law you need. Romans 13:9b-10
Respecting authority – including umpires – is a way to “love your neighbor.” It’s tough to think in those terms, especially when we are certain that we were wronged. And, let’s face it – umpires do get it wrong (even me sometimes). But, let’s remember that when we’re respectful, we honor the Lord, and he rewards us for it.
Loving God means doing what he tells us to do, and really, that isn’t hard at all; for every child of God can obey him, defeating sin and evil pleasure by trusting Christ to help him. 1 John 5:3
C.A. Phillips has served on staff at NorthStar Church since 2004, and has more than 35 years of baseball experience as a player, coach, and umpire. He and his wife, Amy, have two adult sons and live in Kennesaw with their German Shepherd, Abby.
I couldn’t agree more!!! Kids these days (and some adults) have such entitlement and no respect for authority.