Encountering the Storms of Life


“But the disciples were all terrified when they saw Him. But in that moment, Jesus spoke to them at once. “Do not be afraid,” He said. “Take courage! I am here!”

Mark 6:50




I remember it well! It was March 13, 1993, when one of the most powerful storms hit the Atlanta, Georgia, metro area. In its path, the storm left 15 dead in Georgia—and hundreds more throughout the East Coast. It brought four inches of snow to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and dropped even more snow and ice the farther north you went—including as much as three feet of snow in parts of north Georgia. The storm caused $5.5 billion in damage and resulted in the most weather-related flight cancellations ever. The violent storm closed nearly all interstate highways from Atlanta to the Northeast. It shut down every major airport on the East Coast at one time or another. All you could do was hunker down and ride out the storm.

In a similar way, we encounter storms in life as well. It’s not a matter of “IF” but “WHEN” the storm hits our lives. And how prepared we are will make a huge difference. We go through financial storms, physical storms, coaching storms, relational storms, marriage storms, occupational storms, family storms, political storms, and spiritual storms.

In Mark 6:49-50, Jesus noticed the disciples were in distress. They were in the middle of a large lake, where the wind and waves were pounding their boat and keeping them from making any progress. They were terrified! At that very moment, Jesus walked out to them on the water. Don’t miss that! He met them right in the middle of their storm. Jesus gave them this challenge: He said, “Do not be afraid.” He reassured them, saying, “It is I.” You see, the name of God is “I AM,” not “I Was,” “I Will Be,” or “I Hope to Be.”

When Jesus says, “I AM,” He is saying, “I AM whatever it is you’re going through right at this moment, and you do not need to be afraid.” You do not need to fret, worry, doubt, fear, or sweat it. He is God, and we are not. He spoke the world into existence, and He created you. Therefore, He is big enough to handle your storm. Simply obey Him and trust Him.

If you’re going through a storm, you don’t need a job, you need Jesus. You don’t need a plan, you need a person. You don’t need a system, you need a Savior. You don’t need a new goal, you need the Great “I AM.” You need Jesus! When you’re in the middle of a storm, remember that God is not distant, apathetic, or uninvolved. He is right there in the middle of your storm. He is the Great “I AM,” and He will walk with you through your storm. Fix your eyes on Jesus and walk toward Him today.


Love God.  Love People.  Live Sent.

Be Worth Being,



Kevin Burrell has worked in professional baseball as both a player and MLB scout for the past 43 years, and currently serves as an area scouting supervisor. Kevin was drafted in the 1st round of the 1981 free agent amateur draft (25th selection overall), and played ten years of professional baseball with four different organizations. He and his wife, Valerie, live in Sharpsburg, Ga.

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