Digging Deeper: Throw Off Your Cloak

And throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came to Jesus.
Mark 10:50 (ESV)
I made a big deal a few months ago in one of my Sunday morning sermons about my love for the Michelin Star restaurant known as LongHorn Steakhouse. If you remember, I have a deep love for the best item on the menu—the chicken tenders. I cannot describe to you in enough detail the perfectly seasoned and breaded pieces of chicken, along with the perfectly paired complement of just the right concoction of honey mustard.
There is just one problem when I get to LongHorn. The waiter or waitress will come to my table, ask for my drink order, and then they’ll ask the dreaded question: “Would you like a loaf of bread?” Now, I have the willpower of a goldfish when it comes to anything bread-related, and it truly takes everything within me not to respond, “I’ll take a dozen loaves.”
Then that fateful moment happens—my perfectly prepared Michelin Star entrée arrives at the table… and I’m full. I’ve filled up on something good but not the best thing.
It can be hard to wait sometimes, even when you know something better is coming. Bartimaeus did not have that problem because he knew something much better had come. That something was Jesus.
When you read this story, the detail of Bartimaeus throwing off his cloak is a huge deal! For a blind beggar, his cloak was everything. It kept him warm. It allowed him to cover up and hide from the crowd. His cloak was probably beaten and battered from years in the elements. But one thing is certain—it was most likely the most important item Bartimaeus owned and the most loyal thing in his life.
Leaving his cloak behind was costly, but Bartimaeus knew that something better had come. And notice—he didn’t do this after Jesus healed him. He did it simply for the chance to meet with Jesus.
You may be thinking, “Well, duh, Sellers. Jesus is greater than blindness.” Friends, I would love to put before you that Jesus is greater than anything we could have in this life. Jesus is greater than running a Fortune 500 company. Jesus is greater than climbing Mt. Everest. Jesus is greater than becoming famous.
Yet, how often do we fill up on things that aren’t bad, but aren’t the best? We chase success, approval, comfort, and security, thinking they will satisfy—only to find ourselves full yet unfulfilled. Meanwhile, Jesus is offering us something so much better: Himself.
For you today, what would you be willing to throw off to get to Jesus? What are you holding onto so tightly, thinking it’s essential, when in reality, Jesus is offering you something far greater? Now, I’m not saying you should abandon all your earthly responsibilities—we are called to care for the things around us. But maybe, just maybe, there’s something in your life keeping you from fully embracing Jesus. And if that’s the case, it might just be time to let it go.
Sellers Hickman serves as College & Teaching Pastor at NorthStar Church and loves cheering on his Ole Miss Rebels. He and his wife, Hannah, live in Dallas, Ga. with their two daughters. He also serves as the chaplain for the KSU Men’s Basketball team.