Digging Deeper: God, the World, and the Church

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 (ESV)
In John 3:16, we have three main characters involved: God (in the persons of God and Jesus, two members of the Trinity); the World; and, the believers (the church universal, not necessarily a specific denomination). Let’s look at the interrelationship between these three entities.
God, through Jesus, created the World (see Hebrews 1:2). The World rebelled, and was now separated from God. God entered the World, in order to facilitate a reconciliation. Some rejected God, and they will be separated from Him forever.
Those who chose to accept Jesus became the church. The body of Christ consists of those who are redeemed by His blood. The Spirit transforms the heart of the believer, leading to an endearing love for and obedience to their Creator. They now have peace with God, and are guided by His Holy Spirit.
The church is in the world, but not of the world. We are not to live as the world lives, nor to “love the world or the things in the world” (1 John 2:15, ESV). The church is called to take the Word of God to all nations (Matt 28:19, ESV).
This describes a balanced relationship between all three parties. However, take one party out of the equation, and an imbalance will occur. If we have just God and the World, without the church, the proof of God’s love and saving grace is not evident. If we have just God and the church, the body of Christ would be inward-looking, and would lack purpose. Loving our neighbor and sharing the Gospel would be meaningless. Finally, if we have just the church and the World, we would have the modern definition of “spiritual but not religious.” God is now a concept, and transformation and salvation would only be possible through one’s own efforts.
Take time today to thank Jesus that he willingly and lovingly left heaven, was born in a stable, lived a sinless life, died a sinner’s death, and rose again, all so you and I could live with Him for eternity!
This article expounds on the general premise of a commentary on John 3:16 by Wilbert R. Shenk, Professor Emeritus, Fuller Theological Seminary, from the website transformingcommunity.com.
Phil Meade is a father of three, and grandfather of five. He has a Masters in Theological Studies from Liberty University, and lives in Acworth. He has led various small groups throughout his more than 20 years attending NorthStar Church. He recently retired after 33 years as a pilot for Delta Airlines.