Mary Magdalene, whom Jesus had healed from the possession of seven demons, was in PERFECT darkness. So, what is the difference between darkness and PERFECT darkness? And why is it important? Well, because seven is considered the perfect number in scripture. God created the heavens and the earth in six days. It took Him six days to create everything we can experience with our senses, and on the seventh day, God rested. Seven days in total, and it was PERFECT.
I believe that Mary found herself in seven levels of torment, seven levels of despair, and seven levels of hopelessness. Where Mary Magdalene was, there was no light at all. She was in PERFECT darkness, and it was seven levels deep.
Another lifetime ago, when I was in college, I spent a summer as a Soda Ash miner in Lyman, WY, as a Jack-Leg Operator on a mining crew. We were 1,500 feet underground for 10 hours straight, drilling holes for dynamite to make tunnels in the Soda Ash layers of rock. Hey, it paid a LOT better than working at the hometown pool, and I needed the money. We had lights strung up to help us, as well as a battery-powered lamp on our helmets… just in case. One day, “just in case” happened, and the lights/power went out. All we had were our helmet lamps for light. This was fine until the batteries that powered those lamps started to go out, one by one. When the last headlamp went out, we were in PERFECT darkness. There was no inkling of light anywhere. Our eyes never adjusted because there was nothing for them to adjust to. We were in an “absence of light” environment, and we were scared (at least I was). Darkness this complete can only be described, by me at least, as foreboding and evil, in a sense. I knew my Savior was there with me, but I could not see Him in His creation (see Romans 1), so I could not see HIM. All I could do was listen.
I believe that Mary was in PERFECT darkness spiritually. There was NO light in her existence because she was literally dead in her sin, and the seven demons were there to remind her of her decaying soul. She did not yet know Jesus, so there was no hope to listen for. Sound familiar?
I have been there, in the darkness, where all I can hear is the sound of demons tormenting me about my sin. Have you? Are you there now? Do you feel hopeless in such a way that makes you believe the light will never shine again in your life?
If that is where you find yourself, I have GREAT news for you! God will not waste the pit you are experiencing. The light came and will shine on you just like He did with Mary. Perfect darkness will be replaced with PERFECTION, which is light indescribable, even the Light of the World.
In tomorrow’s Digging Deeper, we will talk about just how and why the light will shine.
He loves you so much forever!