Digging Deeper – Making Disciples

14 And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:14 (NLT)
In this passage, the days leading up to his death, Jesus tells the disciples that before the end comes, the Good News will be spread to the whole world. Later, after his crucifixion and resurrection, he tells them again in the Great Commission, “Go and make disciples of all nations…” It was one of the last messages he gave to them before his crucifixion, and his very first message to them after his resurrection. It holds great significance to the calling of Believers. If we aren’t spreading the Good News and making disciples, we are not following the mission He has set before us.
So how do we become a disciple maker? At the heart of a disciple is a desire to be more like Christ. And if you haven’t heard it enough this week, the more time we spend with Him, the more we desire to be like Him and know Him more. It’s not surprising that the word disciple and discipline come from the same Latin root word. Becoming a true disciple takes devotion and discipline. It means sacrificing some time and maybe even some sleep. But even the busiest of us have the capability of doing it.
In his book The Spirit of the Disciplines, Dallas Willard writes, “Of course, attitudes that define the disciple cannot be realized today by leaving family and business to accompany Jesus on his travels about the countryside. But discipleship can be made concrete by loving our enemies, blessing those who curse us, walking the second mile with an oppressor—in general, living out the gracious inward transformations of faith, hope, and love. Such acts—carried out by the disciplined person with manifest grace, peace, and joy—make discipleship no less tangible and shocking today than were those desertions of long ago.”
We don’t have to make discipleship difficult. Some of you may be called to greater discipleship like leading a small group, being a mentor, going on mission, becoming a missionary; but others of you can be disciples in your own homes and neighborhoods. In fact, the season of life my family is in, my biggest discipleship is to my children—and sometimes that simply looks like saying sorry to my kids, wiping snotty noses, praying with and over them, and showering them with grace. You may even find me outside praying over my kids with my eyes wide open as I watch them jump in the pool this summer. My deeper walk with Jesus and growing into a greater disciple doesn’t always have to look like me opening the Bible in a silent room. It can look however my life needs it to in that season. It just requires some intentionality and discipline.
Courtney Miller is the Special Needs ministry Director at NorthStar Church. She was born a Texas girl, but has lived in Georgia the majority of her life (Go Dawgs!). She married her husband, Chris, in 2012. They have two children with a third on the way.