Famous Last Words


“I am writing to Timothy, my dear son in the faith. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace.”

2 Timothy 1:2




Have you ever thought about the influence and weight of your words?  Imagine with me for a moment.  If you knew exactly one week from today that you’re going to die and go out into eternity, what would you say for the next seven days?  How would you talk?  What would be your “famous last words?”  Would your words leave a lasting mark on the lives of people that you rub shoulders with at work or do life with every day?  Would your words build up or tear down?  Would your words encourage or discourage?  Would your words leave a ripple effect long after you’re gone?  Below are some famous words:


“It is well, I die hard, but I am not afraid to go.” – George Washington, U.S. President


“Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!”

US President, Ronald Reagan


“Happy anniversary. I love you.”

Vince Lombardi


“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Yogi Berra


“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” U.S. President, JFK.


In the verse above, the Apostle Paul is getting ready to die.  He knew his time was imminent.  So, he wrote a letter to Timothy, his beloved son in the faith.  It was his “famous last words.”  I encourage you to read the entire chapter when time allows.  The truth is that the greatest destroyer of relationships is an uncontrolled mouth.  Harsh words.  Cutting words.  Condescending words.  Discouraging words.  I read recently that the average person has 30 conversations each day.  If true, that means we spend approximately one-fifth of our lives talking.  At some point, our mouths will likely get us into trouble.  The odds are stacked against us!


Listen closely:  You have no idea the day or the hour you will die.  However, death is certain.  Therefore choose your words wisely.  Instead of heading in a destructive direction, choose to use your words to build others up.  Catch people doing something right and tell them about it.  Affirm their character when they make wise choices and decisions.  Lift them up with words of encouragement when you see them living a life of obedience.  Offer words of hope.  Building others up with your words isn’t difficult, but it is intentional.  Above all else, use your words to share Jesus with others.  When you do, you’re reflecting God’s glory to a dark, evil, and hopeless world all around you. 


What “Famous Last Words” will you be known for?


Love God.  Love People.  Live Sent.

Be Worth Being,



Kevin Burrell has worked in professional baseball as both a player and MLB scout for the past 43 years, and currently serves as an area scouting supervisor. Kevin was drafted in the 1st round of the 1981 free agent amateur draft (25th selection overall), and played ten years of professional baseball with four different organizations. He and his wife, Valerie, live in Sharpsburg, Ga.

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