Have you ever been excited about attending or hosting a party, eagerly looking forward to it? What if the party didn’t turn out as expected? Maybe the “party poopers” in attendance ruined the entire atmosphere. In a similar way, this is the picture we see when we look at Jesus and the “killjoy” Pharisees.
In Matthew 15:7–9, Jesus pulls no punches in addressing the Pharisees, the “Religious Elite” of His day. He exposes them as “hypocrites,” pointing out that, while they outwardly appear pious, inwardly their hearts are far from God. These Pharisees had taken man-made rules and traditions and elevated them to the status of divine commands, burdening people with requirements that God never intended. Their worship had become hollow, and their teachings were more about control than fostering intimate fellowship with the Lord. Ever been around people like that? I certainly have—and they set the “chin-up bar” impossibly high.
The reality is that legalism is still alive and well today. It often creeps into Christian communities or churches, camouflaged as “well-meaning advice” or “moral guidance.” It dictates how we should parent, dress, worship, eat, drink, and spend our money. At its worst, it transforms someone’s personal convictions into a universal standard for righteousness. However, Jesus calls us to a different path—one that prioritizes relationship over religion and heart transformation over external compliance.
Listen closely: Every day, you’re bombarded with advice and opinions, even from within the church or from well-meaning friends. Some are helpful, rooted in Scripture, and lead us closer to God. Others are merely “man-made rules” and religious “do’s and don’ts” that reflect personal preferences rather than biblical truth. These are the “killjoys.” It’s essential to evaluate any instruction through the lens of God’s Word.
Ask yourself three important questions:
- Does this align with God’s Word?
- Does it draw me closer to Jesus?
- Does it reflect God’s character?
“Rules without relationship lead to rebellion!”
Jesus didn’t come to burden you with endless rules; He came to set you free (John 8:36). That freedom doesn’t mean living however you please or without boundaries. Not at all! It means living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not under the weight of man-made rules and expectations. When your heart is aligned with God’s, obedience flows naturally—not as a heavy burden, but as a joyful response to His love.
Be a person who honors God with your heart, not just your lips. Seek His truth above the noise of opinions, and extend grace to others, knowing that their journey with Christ may look different from yours.
Avoid the Legalistic Killjoys!