Professional baseball scouts get paid for their opinions regarding potential future Major League Baseball prospects they are scouting. They cannot waver. They cannot waffle. They cannot ride the fence. They cannot remain silent. They must make a decision and be convicted about their decision—who they like, who they want to draft, and why they want to draft them. It’s been said, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way,” and I’ll add: don’t waver!
In a similar way, every day presents us with choices—choices big and small—and choices that reveal who we’ll follow. Elijah’s challenge to the people of Israel strikes at the very heart of making a decision. Will we wholeheartedly follow the Lord, or will we follow the ways of the world? There is no middle ground. There is no riding the fence. The world may tempt us with comfort, success, power, and approval; however, God calls us to unwavering devotion and bold faith.
The Israelites had seen God’s power, yet they hesitated to fully commit to Him. They wanted the blessings of God without the responsibility of following Him exclusively. How often do we do the same? In our workplaces, we compromise our integrity to gain favor and position. On our teams, we shrink back from sharing our faith out of fear of ridicule and judgment. In the marketplace, we prioritize material gain over eternal treasures. Wavering leads to silence, just as it did for the people in Elijah’s time. When we hesitate to choose God, we lose our voice, our conviction, our influence, and our witness.
Listen Closely: Following God isn’t confined to Sunday mornings; it’s an everyday commitment that touches every aspect of life. In the workplace, it means doing your work with excellence and integrity, as unto the Lord and not unto man (Colossians 3:23). On your team, it means standing firm in your convictions, morals, and values—even if it’s unpopular. In the marketplace, it means treating others with patience, kindness, goodness, and gentleness, which reflect the character of Christ.
Just as Elijah boldly confronted the Israelites, God is asking you today: “How much longer will you waver?” “How much longer will you ride the fence?” Choosing Him requires bold faith, but it also leads to life, peace, and purpose.
Let today be the day you decide once and for all to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, boldly, and without wavering or hesitation—in every area of your life.