In the dry deserts of the Southwest, there are seasons when something truly miraculous happens. Every few years, after abundant winter rains, the seemingly barren desert explodes with color and life, as millions of wildflowers emerge from the dry, cracked soil. What was once lifeless and desolate suddenly becomes a tapestry of beauty and abundance. When the environment and conditions are just right, the seeds lying dormant for months or even years suddenly spring to life.
In a similar way, this is a picture of our spiritual lives. Just like the desert flowers, we all carry seeds of potential within us—gifts, talents, abilities, and spiritual fruit waiting to grow. However, these seeds only grow when we place ourselves in the right environments. Just as a super bloom is sparked by the right environment and nourishing rains, our spiritual growth flourishes when we intentionally place ourselves in environments that encourage and foster our faith to grow.
Jesus often spoke of growth in terms of soil. In the Parable of the Sower, He explains that seeds sown on good soil yield an abundant harvest (Matthew 13:8). In the same way, our souls need to be planted in “good soil”—healthy spiritual environments where our faith can be watered, nurtured, and cultivated.
So, in a practical sense, what does this look like? It means surrounding ourselves with people who encourage us in the Lord. It means being devoted to managing our time for daily prayer, reading and meditating on God’s Word, and carving out time to worship God in private and in public. It means choosing to be in fellowship with other believers who spur us on toward love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). These are the “rains” that awaken the dormant seeds of our spiritual lives, transforming what once was dry and desolate into a spiritual life that is vibrant and alive.
Listen closely: Just as the desert super bloom doesn’t happen every year, spiritual growth can take time. You may go through seasons of waiting, where it feels like nothing is happening. However, you must continue to work while you wait. When you trust God’s timing and remain in healthy environments of spiritual growth, the Spirit of God will bring forth life. Even in the desert places of your life, God can cause a super bloom of faith, hope, and love to blossom.
I remind you today to evaluate and consider the environments you are intentionally placing yourself in. Are you rooted in places where your faith is being nourished, cultivated, and fed? If not, seek out environments of spiritual growth where the Word of God, the people of God, and the Spirit of God are present. Intentionally place yourself in these environments for spiritual growth. If you do, God promises that in due season, you will experience a super bloom of spiritual growth in your life. Never forget the law of the harvest:
“You reap what you sow, you reap more than you sow, and you reap later than you sow.”
That is a “Super Bloom!”